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Chinese Artists Association of Canada
譚少薇 Carmen Tam Leung
譚少薇閒時喜愛以書畫自娛. 自1975,先後跟史正中,劉大歩,蕭立聲,及李曼石各位老師學習書畫, 並在香港中文大學校外課程進修國畫. 在1990移民溫哥華後, 閒時便跟甘介川老師學習書法. 自2011, 更拜師張恆老師專心學習書畫. 近年在溫哥華參加很多聯展.
Before immigrated to Vancouver in 1990, Carmen studied Chinese painting at Extra-Mural Department - Chinese University of Hong Kong, and private lessons for calligraphy and Chinese painting from several artists since 1975 as hobbies. In Vancouver, Carmen studied calligraphy from Mr Kam Kai-Chuen whenever she had time. Since 2011, she dedicated a lot of time learning Chinese painting and calligraphy under the guidance of Mr John Chen. In recent years, she joined many art exhibitions in Vancouver.
2017-2020 director of the Chinese Artists Association of Canada.
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