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 Lei Chen  陳蕾

Lei Chen was born in Hainan, China. Starting at a young age, she found an exuberating attraction to the arts and culture. As a young girl, she would sit and admire the beauty of the world around her, encompassing herself in her inspirations. She moved to Vancouver in 1999 to experience a new culture and environment. The plethora of sights, sounds and scenes of the Western life invigorated her inward passion for art and motivated her to pursue painting as a method of expressing her thoughts and appreciation. Her superlative pieces are inspired by the artistry and elegance that Vancouver’s landscape has to offer; especially during spring when the cherry blossoms bloom. Lei captures the natural essence of nature by painting in a unique perspective that emphasizes natures innermost beauty and allure.


陳蕾生於中國海南, 幼年就對文學藝術滋生了極大的興趣。 還是孩童的她便常常依窗獨坐,面對外面美麗的世界遐想連篇。1999年移民加拿大, 被絢麗的北美風情文化, 和溫哥華特有的秀美溫馨所感染,陳蕾開始了繪畫創作。陳蕾的繪畫著重於突出大自然內在的美感。

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