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Cyril Soo-Lum 蘇堯光


蘇堯光藝術興趣源自高中時期, 於西印度洋千里達。是千里達藝術協會會員. 曾在卑斯大學取得彩墨課程。隨後跟隨多位老師習畫。多次参與加拿大藝術家協會及中華文化藝術總會展覽,  2008

Cyril Soo-Lum was interested in art during high school in Trinidad, West Indies.  He  was a member of The Trinidad Art Society. He initially took ink & colour painting classes at UBC and then took lessons from time to time from various art teachers. He was an active member of the Chinese Artists Association of Canada and the Chinese Canadian Artists Federation of Vancouver. 2008-2010 Board Director of CAAC.  

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