Chinese Artists Association of Canada
Kinson-Lu 盧勁純
盧勁纯1938年出生於廣東中山’ 習化學工程. 幼愛書畫.出國前任職廣柬省石油化學工業廰. 1977年退休後重拾書畫,號稱楓巔浪子。2004年書法"登茅山峰絕頂"被選入入刻芧山碑林及獲頒永久收藏証書。2006年"喜結比翼向心,笑談鵬程萬里"入編西泠印社首屆扇面書法作品集。2009年出席北京國際會議廳中心舉行國慶60周年全國書畫名家座談會暨和諧中國書畫藝術筆會。2010年8月書法"文房四寶墨硯"入展2010中國(曲阜)國際孔子文化節、孔子藝術獎及作品集。2010年12月書寫"道德經"第三十三章入選中國名家書寫"道德經"大展及著作出版。書法作品:"芧簷"、"榕樹"、"詠悲鴻"及"文房四寶詩"分別入編"中國書法美術人物年鑒"2008至2011年卷。http://www.sohu.com/a/225268836_812119
Kinson Lu, Chemical Engineer, was born in Zhoug Shan Guangdong, China in 1938. Calligraphy and Fine Arts have been a passion since childhood. Prior to immigrated to Canada, he worked in the Guangdong Petroleum Chemical Ministry. Since retirement in 1997, Kinson renewed his creative passion for calligraphy and fine arts. He has a moniker "Maple Cliff Rebel". His works have been exhibited in Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Japan and Korea. Kinson is a permanent member of CAAC, Chinese Canadian Artists Federation in Vancouver and the Richmond Chinese Canadian Calligraphy Society. In 2004, Three meditative works "On the Peaks and Passage of Mao Mountain" were entered in the Mao Mountain permanent collection and inscribed into stone tablets. In 2006, Self-composed couplet "Theme of Love, Loyalty and Laughter" was entered into the Xiling Publishing Second International Fine Art Collection : Fan Face Art Selection. In 2009, Calligraphy was selected to the China 60th Anniversary Major Artist Special Collection. In August 2010, calligraphy "Four Treasures of the Arts: Ink Stone" received the Confucius Art and Literature Award from the International QuFu City Confucius Cultural Festival. In December 2010, calligraphy for"Chapter 33rd in the book of Tao" as written by known Chinese Calligraphers Exhibition. Various of his works have been accepted into the 2008-2010 Yearbooks of Important Chinese Arts and Calligraphy.http://www.sohu.com/a/225268836_812119
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