Chinese Artists Association of Canada
May-Lu (Hu-Ling)盧慧玲
盧慧玲 May Iu1938年出生於廣州市, 幼喜讀詩書, 偶有寫作. 習化學工程, 移民前任職廣州市化工局。 退休後曾参加興趣班, 烹飪、跳舞、珠寶鑑定、游泳打球活動在雅石會得章金生老師啟蒙學習國畫, 從此對書畫產生濃厚興趣, 自學及参與,并仍不斷寫一些旅遊、景物、時事及生活情趣等通俗五言、七言詩。
Ms. Hu Ling ( May) Lu was born in Guangzhou, Guangdong. She developed a keen interest in poetry and literature from an early age. She excels in essays and composition. In university she majored in chemical engineering and worked for the Chemical Engineering Department of Guangzhou prior to immigration to Canada. Since retirement she devotes her time to travel, cooking, dancing, gemology, swimming and other interests. Ms. Lu has pursued the finer points of brush painting and found new perspectives in the complexity visual art. At present she continues to enjoy writing travelogues, essays and daily observation of life's many facets. Ms. Lu has particular interest in the traditional five and seven character Chinese poems.