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Sandra-Lin 林珊如(曼容)

林珊如(曼容)台灣雲林人, 1972年起研習中西美術, 個展多次,應邀參加洛杉磯首屆國際書畫名家聯展及三人行、游心書畫會三姝聯展等幾十次。作品曾列入華人美術年鑒。出版曼容林珊如如書畫集。





Sandra Lin began her painting journey in 1972, and up to 1982 she had more than 2O exhibitions. After immigrated to Vancouver Canada in 1995, she joined the Chinese Culture & Art Association of Canada and took the position of executive secretary in the art research department. In 2002 she served as director of the organization. At the same time, she was invited to exhibit in Taiwan and China, but her greatest honor came when the Culture Center in her hometown published her first catalog. In 2003 Ms. Lin won an award from the association for her painting Snow Mountain. At the same year she also had an exhibition at the V.P.L. in 2004 Ms.Lin was invited to join the First International Famous Artist exhibition organized by the Global Artists Association in the U.S.A.

2017-2018 vice President of

Chinese culture & art Association

Of Canada.

Sandra Lin self photo a
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