Chinese Artists Association of Canada
Leva-Woo 曾美容
曾美容出生於香港 ,師承國畫家謝舉賢 。1989年移居溫哥華,1993年進溫哥華籣加拉學院藝術系, 主修西洋畫及陶藝。 曾應邀到多間學校, 社區中心及中山公園教育部擔任教學繪畫課程。 舉辦個展, 師生展,雙人展及參與作品聯展數十次。
2001至03年擔任溫哥華華人藝術家協會會長。2008至2012年任加拿大中華文心藝術總會副會長。2002年中華文化中心"躍動"評選展及2005年華人藝術家協會評審展中獲中畫組 "評審獎"。2009年加拿大中華文化藝術總會"風韻"評審展獲 "傑出獎"。
Leva Woo is originally from Hong Kong. She studied Chinese painting from Tse Kui-Yin in HK. She also studied Fine Arts at Langara College in Vancouver for two years in 1993. She moved to Vancouver in 1989 and has taught from the 1990's. She is an experienced instructor and has taught at local elementary schools, various municipal organizations and Sun Yat-Sen Garden for
the "Artist-in-Residence" program. She has held numerous joint exhibitions with her students and other artists. She was a former President of the Chinese Canadian Artists Federation in Vancouver (2001-03) and Vice-President of the Chinese Artists Association of Canada (2008-2012). She also has won Juried Awards in 2002, 2005 and 2009.
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