Chinese Artists Association of Canada
Robert .Y.H.Kuo 郭永興
郭永興 1948年出生於台灣,1996年移居溫哥華。以研究創作國畫與油畫為樂。目前受教於美術教育家張俊傑先生,研習繪畫,書法和美術理論。現為加拿大中華文化藝術總會,溫哥華華人藝術家協會及加西台灣藝術家協會會員。也曾擔任文化藝術總會和藝術家協會的副會長。現全情投入書畫創作,享受人生的單純和美好。郭先生的興趣是多方面的,舉凡國畫,油畫,水彩,設計,書法等均感喜愛,尤其常從設計的觀點,追求新的創意和簡化明快的感覺。
Robert Y. H. Kuo was born in Taiwan in 1948 and immigrated to Vancouver in 1996. His interests are studying and creating Chinese brush, oil and watercolor paintings. He is currently under the tutelage of Professor Chang Chun-Chieh, specifically in the subjects of painting, calligraphy and art theory. He was the former vice-president of the Chinese Artists Association of Canada and the Chinese Canadian Artists Federation in Vancouver and was also a member of the Western Canada Taiwanese Artist Association.
Robert is focusing and contributing all his spare time to his artwork now to achieve an outstanding masterpiece and also studying design perspective to explore new idea to apply to his artwork.