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 Leo Yeh 葉保權號平子


葉保權號平子. 自幼喜愛繪畫、詩詞及園藝. 十八歲入國立歷史博物館(台灣) 美術研究班. 蒙姚夢谷先生收為入室弟子, 並由夢谷師引入趙松泉先生門下, 習花卉翎毛, 三十年不曾間斷. 繪畫作品傾向自然風格, 作品清逸. 参加國內外眾多美展, 得獎多次.\

Leo Yeh

Also known as Ping Zi Has always had a love for painting, poetry, and gardening. He joined a arts program in the Taiwan National History Museum at the age of eighteen. At the same age he was a student of Yao Meng Gu, who then referred him to Zao Zhong Quan, a specialist in painting flowers and birds. For the next thirty years Leo Yeh has continued to practice his skills and his works tend to be more creative and natural. His works have entered both national and international exhibitions many times and have received multiple awards.

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