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Chinese Artists Association of Canada
Anne-Jang 黃錦珠
黃錦珠生於廣東省廣州市. 自幼喜愛藝術,92年重燃繪畫興趣, 卄多年來得到多位名師指導, 並於2002年参加文化藝術總會美術研修斑, 獲益良多.近十年至今担任中華文化藝術總會理事一職. 亦是温哥華華人藝術家協會會員.2003年獲總會寫生作品展入選獎.2009年獲 “風韻評審展” 佳作獎.
Anne Jang is originally from Guangdong China. From an early age, She had a passion for the arts, but she did not actively embrace her passion until recently. She has enrolled in classes offered by members of Chinses Culture and Association of Canada and has participated in numerous
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