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第257 次雲城雅集

第257 次雲城雅集、在12 月2 號星期天下午二時至四時在國際畫廊舉行。地址國際村二樓。今次主講嘉賓是本畫會會員。加拿大文化藝術總會會員黃麗施女士主持(Nancy Wong) 主題是示範起源于士耳其的水拓畫。水拓畫是水畫中一個獨特的流派,可以創作迷人的畫作。

Thank you for joining my "Introduction to Paper Marbling" on color and pattern techniques. It was my pleasure to be able to share my knowledge on Marbling among Artists. I hope this tutor will give everyone some fresh and unique skill.

- Nancy Wong

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